ul. Ludwika Solskiego 4/6, 52-416 Wrocław biuro@bisek-kancelaria.pl

Bringing arrears and irregularities up to date

Standard keeping of accounting and financial records should be based on precision, regularity and thoroughness. Thanks to our years-long experience we know that despite making every effort and devoting your full attention. To those duties, it may happen than books contain some discrepancies. This is when bringing arrears and irregularities up to date is necessary. Thanks to our assistance in this area you can save time and gain confidence that all required actions will be taken quickly and according to the highest standards.

Bringing arrears and irregularities up to date

We always begin this type of works by carrying out an exhaustive audit of the documentation kept so far. It enables us to assess its compliance with the requirements and standards currently in force, but also plan further actions that will allow you to restore full accounting capabilities.

Bringing arrears and irregularities up to date

All actions are taken in utter confidence and with total discretion. It is a cornerstone of professional ethics and personal relationships, underlining the importance of trust in our interactions with others.

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